Kubernetes:Container orchestration engine
Pods: Its a collection of
containers or processes. Containers within a pod share an IP address and port
space and can talk to each other through localhost. Its the basic unit of
deployment in kubernetes as in a container is the basic unit of deployment in Docker.
Each Pod as unique IP Address
a. Ex: Container for sync files and another container for
serving the files can be part of single pod
b. It can contain only container
Replication controller or Replication Sets: This make sure the specified number of pods are
running at any one time and also make sure the system is in the desired state.
if one of the pod is down. controller will create a new pod and the pods are load
Deployments: It contains
the details of the pods and the replication controller It will deploy the
replica sets which will deploy pods and in turn deploy container.
Services: Its a group of
pods that can be accessed as a single unit. If one of the pod goes down. a new
a pod is created and user has to contact only the service and not to the pods
Persistent Volumes: for
users and administrators that abstracts details of how storage is provided from
how it is consumed
Config Maps: Applications
require configuration via some combination of config files, command line
arguments and environment variables
Creating kubernetes windows cluster in
Install AzureCLI-2.0
Create a resource group
az group create --name=myKubernetesResourceGroup
Create the Cluster
az acs create --orchestrator-type=kubernetes --resource-group
myKubernetesResourceGroup --name=myKubernetesClusterName --dns-prefix=myPrefix
--agent-count=2 --generate-ssh-keys --windows --admin-
username girish --admin-password basava123#
Install kubectl
az acs kubernetes install-cli
Get the config file
az acs kubernetes get-credentials --resource-group=myKubernetesResourceGroup --name=myKubernetesClusterName
Create a Json file for
creating a Pod
Install kubectl
az acs kubernetes install-cli
Get the config file
az acs kubernetes get-credentials --resource-group=myKubernetesResourceGroup --name=myKubernetesClusterName
Create a Json file for
creating a Pod