Saturday, September 2, 2017

VSTS Deployments Notes

1) Publish file is used in case of in case of two scenarios

  • Build time: Each respective publish files for different environments (Ex: O - Dev publish file, T - Test publish file)
  • Run time: Single publish file and tokenization for different.

2) We can do post deployment script after dacpac deployment and also use SQLCMD variables in SQL project which again can be tokenized for different environments with a single publish file


We can create different publish files based on the environment with different SQLCMD variables

3)Windows application installation are two types

  1. MSI : We can generate MSI in different ways
    • Wix opensource installer microsoft
    • Install shield
    • Legacy VDproject in visual studio
    • Thirdy part framework
  2. Click once : Website kind of deployment where there is package which is deployed at central location

4)For running any azure commands we can use any azure powershell command in VSTS

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