$hashTable = @{}
Lock-Object -InputObject $hashTable.SyncRoot -ScriptBlock {
$hashTable.Add("Key", "Value")
function Lock-Object
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
# Since we're dot-sourcing the caller's script block, we'll use Private scoped variables within this function to make sure
# the script block doesn't do anything fishy (like changing our InputObject or lockTaken values before we get a chance to
# release the lock.)
Set-Variable -Scope Private -Name __inputObject -Value $InputObject -Option ReadOnly -Force
Set-Variable -Scope Private -Name __scriptBlock -Value $ScriptBlock -Option ReadOnly -Force
Set-Variable -Scope Private -Name __threadID -Value ([System.Threading.Thread]::CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId) -Option ReadOnly -Force
Set-Variable -Scope Private -Name __lockTaken -Value $false
if ($__inputObject.GetType().IsValueType)
$params = @{
Message = "Lock object cannot be a value type."
TargetObject = $__inputObject
Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidArgument
ErrorId = 'CannotLockValueType'
Write-Error @params
Write-Verbose "Thread ${__threadID}: Requesting lock on $__inputObject"
$__lockTaken = $true
Write-Verbose "Thread ${__threadID}: Lock taken on $__inputObject"
. $__scriptBlock
$params = @{
Exception = $_.Exception
Category = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::OperationStopped
ErrorId = 'InvokeWithLockError'
TargetObject = New-Object psobject -Property @{
ScriptBlock = $__scriptBlock
InputObject = $__inputObject
Write-Error @params
if ($__lockTaken)
Write-Verbose "Thread ${__threadID}: Releasing lock on $__inputObject"
Write-Verbose "Thread ${__threadID}: Lock released on $__inputObject"
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