Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Install hybrid worker group using powershell

Param (

[String] $WorkspaceId,
[String] $WorkspaceKey,
[String] $HybridRunbookWorkerGroupName,
[String] $AutomationAccountEndPointURL,
[String] $AutomationAccountToken


# Referencing existing OMS Workspace and Automation Account

# Check for the MMA on the machine
try {

    $mma = New-Object -ComObject 'AgentConfigManager.MgmtSvcCfg'
    Write-Output "Configuring the MMA..."
    $mma.AddCloudWorkspace($WorkspaceID, $WorkspaceKey)

} catch {
    # Download the Microsoft monitoring agent
    Write-Output "Downloading and installing the Microsoft Monitoring Agent..."

    $Source = ""

    $Destination = "$env:temp\MMASetup.exe"

    $null = Invoke-WebRequest -uri $Source -OutFile $Destination
    $null = Unblock-File $Destination

    # Change directory to location of the downloaded MMA
    cd $env:temp

    # Install the MMA
    $Command = "/C:setup.exe /qn ADD_OPINSIGHTS_WORKSPACE=1 OPINSIGHTS_WORKSPACE_ID=$WorkspaceID" + " OPINSIGHTS_WORKSPACE_KEY=$WorkspaceKey " + " AcceptEndUserLicenseAgreement=1"
    .\MMASetup.exe $Command


# Sleep until the MMA object has been registered
Write-Output "Waiting for agent registration to complete..."

# Timeout = 180 seconds = 3 minutes
$i = 18

do {
    # Check for the MMA folders
    try {
        # Change the directory to the location of the hybrid registration module
        cd "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\AzureAutomation"
        $version = (ls | Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending | Select -First 1).Name
        cd "$version\HybridRegistration"

        $HybridRegistrationPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\Microsoft Monitoring Agent\Agent\AzureAutomation\$version\HybridRegistration"

        # Import the module
        Import-Module $HybridRegistrationPath\HybridRegistration.psd1

        # Mark the flag as true
        $hybrid = $true
    } catch{

        $hybrid = $false

    # Sleep for 10 seconds
    Start-Sleep -s 10

} until ($hybrid -or ($i -le 0))

if ($i -le 0) {
    Write-output "The HybridRegistration module was not found. Please ensure the Microsoft Monitoring Agent was correctly installed."

# Register the hybrid runbook worker
Write-Output "Registering the hybrid runbook worker..."
Add-HybridRunbookWorker -Name $HybridRunbookWorkerGroupName -EndPoint $AutomationAccountEndPointURL -Token $AutomationAccountToken

    #Web Platform Installer URL
    $WPISource = ""

    #Web Platform Binary Location
    $WPIDestination = "$env:temp\WebPlatformInstaller_amd64_en-US.msi"

    { Invoke-WebRequest -uri $WPISource -OutFile $WPIDestination
    Write-Output "Web Platform Installer is downloaded"
Unblock-File $WPIDestination
    #Change directory to location of the downloaded Web Platform Installer
    cd $env:temp
    #Install Web Platform Installer
    $WPICommand = Start-Process $env:temp\WebPlatformInstaller_amd64_en-US.msi '/qn' -PassThru | Wait-Process;
    Write-Output "Web Platform Installer is successfully installed"
    sleep 5
    $WPIPathCheck = Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\WebpiCmd-x64.exe"
    }while($WPIPathCheck -ne "True")

    #Installation of Azure Service Fabric
    {$WPIPath = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\"
cd $WPIPath
    $AzureSDKCommand = .\WebpiCmd.exe /Install /Products:MicrosoftAzure-ServiceFabric-CoreSDK /AcceptEULA /Log:C:/Packages/Plugins/Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension/1.9/WebpiCmd.log
Write-Output "Azure Service Fabric Core SDK is successfully installed"
    sleep 5
    $ServiceFabricPathCheck = Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Service Fabric\bin\ServiceFabric\ServiceFabric.psd1"
    }while($ServiceFabricPathCheck -ne "True")

    #Installation of Azure Service Fabric SDK
    $Destination = "$env:temp"
    #Service Fabric SDK Installer URL
    $ServiceFabricSDKSource = Invoke-WebRequest -uri "" -OutFile "$Destination\MicrosoftServiceFabricSDK.2.7.198.msi"
    Write-Output "Azure Service Fabric SDK is downloaded"
Unblock-File "$Destination\MicrosoftServiceFabricSDK.2.7.198.msi"

    #Install Azure Service Fabric SDK
    $AzureSDKCommand = Start-Process $Destination\MicrosoftServiceFabricSDK.2.7.198.msi '/qn' -PassThru | Wait-Process;
    $errcheck = $?
    Write-Output "Azure Service Fabric SDK is successfully installed"

    sleep 5

    $ServiceFabricSDKPathCheck = Test-Path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Service Fabric\Tools\PSModule\ServiceFabricSDK\ServiceFabricSDK.psm1"
    }while($ServiceFabricSDKPathCheck -ne "True")

    #Installation of Azure Powershell
    $Destination = "C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.9"
    #Azure Powershell Installer URL
    $AzurePSSource = Invoke-WebRequest -uri "" -OutFile "$Destination\azure-powershell.4.3.1.msi"
    Write-Output "Azure Powershell is downloaded"
Unblock-File "$Destination\azure-powershell.4.3.1.msi"

    #Check Azure RM PS Module Location
    $AzurePSPathCheck = Test-Path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\PowerShell\ResourceManager\AzureResourceManager\AzureRM.Compute\AzureRM.Compute.psd1"
    while($AzurePSPathCheck -ne "True"){
    #Install Azure Powershell
    $AzurePSCommand = Start-Process msiexec.exe '/I C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Compute.CustomScriptExtension\1.9\azure-powershell.4.3.1.msi /quiet /passive /norestart' -WindowStyle Hidden


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